Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Don't favour islands position at Sentral KL. Limit your mobility especially at peak hours. You have to have agility and some acrobatic skills to get you through the crowds and the limited passage ways. Hope they are thinking more the commuters conviniences rather then the islands' rentals. A better positioning of the islands would to have them on the sides instead of the middle. Commuters converge in the center from more than 6 directions, mostly, need to rush to catch the next train or bus or taxies. But with the islands in the middle, it causes a lot of stess for us.

So KL Sentral, think again, who are your customers?

rgds joQ

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1 comment:

Deo said...

I think KL Sentral makes profits more from those occupying the island space than the commuters. That's why! LOL!